In this article, I’m going to explain Japanese grammar and vocabulary based on Zenitsu’s line “禰󠄀豆子ちゃんは俺が守る”.
Let’s have fun learning Japanese through Demon Slayer!
The Basic Information of The Line
The basic meaning
in Japanese: “禰󠄀豆子ちゃんは俺が守る”
in Hiragana: “ねずこちゃんはおれがまもる”
in Romaji: “Nezuko-chan wa ore ga mamoru”
Meaning: “I will protect Nezuko-chan.”
The situation in which the line was spoken

This is the scene of the battle on the Infinity Train. Tanjiro went to the front of the train to defeat the main demon, leaving Nezuko alone and vulnerable to enemy attacks. At that moment, Zenitsu appeared swiftly. After cutting down the enemies with the speed of lightning, he heroically declared this line:
Grammatical Structure
禰󠄀豆子 (ねずこ / Nezuko)
This is a proper noun, a name. Nezuko is a character from the popular manga and anime series “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.” The special kanji “禰󠄀” is used here.
ちゃん (chan)
This is an affectionate honorific suffix used for young girls, close friends, or someone endearing. It indicates familiarity and fondness.
は (wa)
This is a topic particle, indicating that “禰󠄀豆子ちゃん” is the topic of the sentence. It often translates to “as for” or “speaking of” in English, though it is not always directly translated.
俺 (おれ / ore)
This is a pronoun meaning “I” or “me.” It is an informal and typically masculine way for a male speaker to refer to himself.
が (ga)
This is a subject particle, marking “俺” as the subject of the verb “守る.” It is used to emphasize the subject in the sentence.
守る (まもる / mamoru)
This is a verb meaning “to protect” or “to guard.” It indicates the action the subject “俺” will take regarding “禰󠄀豆子ちゃん.”
In summary, the sentence “禰󠄀豆子ちゃんは俺が守る” translates to “I will protect Nezuko” in English. The topic is “Nezuko,” and the speaker emphasizes that he will be the one to protect her.
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