In this article, I will explain Japanese grammar and vocabulary based on Almight’s line “もう大丈夫! 何故って!? 私が来た!!”.
Let’s have fun learning Japanese through My Hero Academia!
The Basic Information of The Line
The basic meaning
in Japanese: “もう大丈夫! 何故って!? 私が来た!!”
in Hiragana: “もうだいじょうぶ! なぜって!? わたしがきた!!”
in Romaji: “Mou daijoubu! Nazette!? Watashi ga kita!!”
Meaning: “It’s all right now! Why, you ask!? Because I am here!!”
The situation in which the line was spoken

Allmight is an absolute hero who helps everyone no matter how powerful the enemy or how difficult the situation. He always says this line when he comes to the rescue in order to make himself a reassuring presence to everyone.
“もう大丈夫! 何故って!? 私が来た!!”
Grammatical Structure
もう (mou)
This is an adverb meaning “already” or “now.” In this context, it conveys a sense of reassurance or finality, suggesting that the situation is now under control or resolved.
大丈夫 (daijoubu)
This is an adjective meaning “all right,” “okay,” or “safe.” Combined with “もう,” it implies that everything is now fine or that there’s no longer any need to worry.
何故って!? (naze tte!?)
This phrase combines “何故 (naze),” meaning “why,” with “って,” which can serve as an informal quotation particle. The question mark and exclamation mark together convey a rhetorical question, emphasizing surprise or dramatic effect. It translates to “You want to know why!?” or “Why, you ask!?”
私 (watashi)
This is a pronoun meaning “I” or “me.” It is a neutral or polite way for a speaker to refer to themselves.
が (ga)
This is a subject particle, indicating that “私” is the subject of the sentence. It emphasizes the subject as the one performing the action.
来た (kita)
This is the past tense of the verb “来る (kuru),” meaning “to come.” In this context, it means “came” or “have come.”
Full Sentence Breakdown:
“もう大丈夫! 何故って!? 私が来た!!” can be translated as “It’s already all right! You want to know why!? Because I have come!!” The speaker is dramatically announcing their arrival, emphasizing that their presence has resolved the situation.
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