In this article, we will learn Japanese vocabulary and grammar based on the quote “まじか” from Gojo Satoru. Let’s enjoy learning Japanese together.
The Basic Information of The Line
The basic meaning
in Hiragana: “まじか”
in Romaji: “majika”
Meaning: “seriously”
The situation in which the line was spoken

【Spoiler Alert】This line is from episode 4 of the Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2, spoken by Fushiguro Toji. Fushiguro Toji fought with Gojo Satoru. In this battle, Fushiguro Toji kills Gojo Satoru. However, Gojo Satoru, thought to have been killed, revived himself using a recovery technique. Unaware of this, Gojo Satoru suddenly appeared in front of Fushiguro Toji in good health, leading Fushiguro Toji to exclaim, “Are you serious?” From this line, you can feel the immense surprise of Fushiguro Toji.
How to Use The Word
“まじか” is a colloquial Japanese expression that can be roughly translated to “Really?” or “Are you serious?” in English. It is often used to express surprise, disbelief, or to ask for confirmation in casual conversations.
There are slight variations of this expression, such as:
まじ (Maji)
This is the root word and can be used on its own to express surprise or disbelief.
まじ? (Maji?)
By adding a question mark, it emphasizes asking for confirmation like “Really?”
まじで? (Maji de?)
This is another common variation that means “For real?”
本当ですか?(honto desuka?)
When it comes to using this expression in polite or formal situations, one would avoid “まじ” altogether since it’s inherently casual. Instead, more formal expressions like “本当ですか?” (hontou desuka?) meaning “Really?” or “Is that so?” would be appropriate.
This phrase is very useful and is used in all sorts of situations. It’s no exaggeration to say that young people’s conversations wouldn’t be complete without the phrases ‘まじか’ or ‘まじで?’. You should definitely try using them.
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